Tuesday 5 May 2009

Chocolate Fudge Cake for Mother’s Day!


These are my Chocolate Fudge Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache frosting! Feel free to have your own wishes on the cake and choose the colour for those cute flowers decorations.
Only RM50 per set during the month of May 09

To order please call 012-2589916 or email me at sue_prvt@hotmail.com


  1. yummy..yummy...sue sedapnya..akak nak order tau..jgn lupa let me know by monday next week kay...love your cake muahh..

  2. eheheheheh... ok dah sue book da date. kalau sue balik shah alam sue antakan ahaks.. thanx la sbb selalu support kek n kapkek sue ni ha... tahx so much... comment always on my kapkek blog ek bia meriah sikit.

  3. yap dh rasa pun kek nie ..mmg best..makan dpn hubby pun xjemput dia..siap kena perli sbb dia bayarkan haa.haa btw erti kata semuala sedap n sedap.. jgn lupa buat kek ni lagi satu for mum nye tau..:)..sapa xorder rugi tau

  4. hehehe... Tq la kak ayu mmg la peminat setia kek sue!

    ha, ur moms cake dah siap, refr fudge cake for mamatok! hope u like it...
