Monday 29 June 2009

Sesame Street Petite cakes

~~~~Sesame Street Petite cakes~~~~

These are petite size caramel flavour with vanilla buttercream frosting cupcakes… They are smaller than my babycakes and specially ordered by my dear fren Watie for her baby’s 1st birthday party in Aman Perdana…

She specifically told me to make her sesame street cakes in petite size for all the kids that would definitely be at Qarissa’s party which was held last Sunday.

So watie, I really hope u like the petite cakes!

Happy Birthday Qarissa!

To order please call 012-2589916 SUE or email me at


  1. ooo....masuk jugak akhirnya ...hahahha..mestilah suka, siap simpan utk sendiri makan ..ahaks!

  2. ahahaha... tq la watie sbb memuji kek aku.. aku mmg harap ko suker kan caramel ni la... tq for ordering la beb.
